

Multiform is an advanced Service Portal form widget that separates each section of the form onto sequential, numbered screens for improved user experience. It also offers a number of other benefits over the out-of-box form widget, such as:

  • Screen-based form completion

    Each form section becomes its own screen:

    Screens are able to be navigated through the buttons at the bottom of the form:

    And using the indicators at the top-right:

  • Drag & drop file upload

    Both drag and drop and regular upload (via the button) are supported.

  • Support for all native form functionality

    For example:

    • Client Scripts
    • UI Policies
    • Read-only fields
    • Mandatory fields
    • Form layouts
    • Reference fields
    • Dictionary attributes
  • Embedded “Child Forms” (related lists)

    Child forms can be embedded on the top, left, right, or bottom, of a screen, or on all screens. Minimum and maximum numbers of related records can optionally be set.

  • Embedded “Child Widgets”

    Child widgets can be embedded in the same places as child forms. An easy to use API can be called in your widgets to access fields on all forms and execute functions when the form changes.

  • Easy to style

    Simply declare a few SASS variables in your theme/page/portal to override certain styles, such as indicator color, bottom bar color, and rounded corners.



  1. Fork this repository into your own Github account.
  2. Open Studio on your ServiceNow instance.
  3. Click the Import From Source Control button.
  4. As the value of the URL field, use the URL copied from the “Clone” option in your fork of this repository.
  5. Press the Import button


The application includes a test page which can be accessed from the /sp?id=x_mf_test path on your instance. This will give you an example of some of the features and how one might configure them.

Whenever you drag the Multiform widget onto a page using Service Portal Designer, an instance of the widget is created. You can configure it by holdling CTRL and right-clicking on, selecting “Instance Options”, and following the instructions displayed to open the instance in the platform view.

From the platform view, you have full control over the way your form is configured.

Multiform Instance

The Multiform Instance record is the core record, which controls how the actual main form operates and displays.

Field Description Mandatory Default
Table The table that the form will show yes  
Record Hard-code a record to display. If not defined, the sys_id URL parameter will be used. If this isn’t supplied, a new record will be created. no  
View The view that the form will show. The form sections on this view will shown as “screens”. yes  
Roles Roles that are required to be able to see this widget no  
Progression method Whether users will be able to freely navigate using the indicators at any time, or only navigate to screens they have visited already. yes Full control
Success page The Service Portal page that the user will be redirected to after form submission. The URL parameters sys_id and table will be supplied to this page. yes  
Order Used to determine in what position this widget will display, relative to other widget instances in the same container. no  
CSS Additional CSS that will be loaded for this instance of the widget no  

Multiform Child

There are two types of Multiform Children. Both extend from the Multiform Child table, and thus have some common options:

Field Description Mandatory Default
Parent The Multiform Instance that this is a child of yes  
Active Control whether Multiform Child is used yes true
Apply to Apply either to all screens, or a specific section yes All screens
Form section If Apply to is set to Specific section, you can choose the section from here yes  
Location Whether the child appears at the top, bottom, left, or right of the screen yes bottom
Align self Flexbox property. See yes stretch
Order Flexbox property. See yes 0
Flex grow Flexbox property. See yes 0
Flex shrink Flexbox property. See yes 1
Flex basis Flexbox property. See yes auto

There are also some options unique to each type of child.

Child Form

Field Description Mandatory Default
Table The table that the form will show yes  
Record Hard-code a record to display. If not defined, the sys_id URL parameter will be used. If this isn’t supplied, a new record will be created. no  
View The view that the form will show. The form sections on this view will shown as “screens”. yes  
Roles Roles that are required to be able to see this widget no  
Progression method Whether users will be able to freely navigate using the indicators at any time, or only navigate to screens they have visited already. yes Full control
Success page The Service Portal page that the user will be redirected to after form submission. The URL parameters sys_id and table will be supplied to this page. yes  
Order Used to determine in what position this widget will display, relative to other widget instances in the same container. no  
CSS Additional CSS that will be loaded for this instance of the widget no  

Child Widget

Field Description Mandatory Default
Widget The widget to be shown yes  
Widget options Options that will be supplied to the widget when it loads no  


There are a number of SASS variables that can be declared in your portal’s theme, CSS, or your page’s CSS to override the default styling of the widget and make it fit in better with your portal.

Variable Description
$pi-mf-header-color The text color used for headers
$pi-mf-actions-bg The background color of the actions bar at the bottom of the form
$pi-mf-actions-button The background color used for primary actions (e.g. Next), and border color used for secondary actions (e.g. Previous)
$pi-mf-actions-button-color The text color used for primary actions
$pi-mf-highlight-bg The background color of the attachment area
$pi-mf-inner-form-bg The background color of inner forms
$pi-mf-border-radius The border radius for the main form, action bar, action buttons, child form area, and child forms.
$pi-mf-indicator-bg The background color of the indicators on the top-right of the screen
$pi-mf-indicator-bg-active The background color of an active indicator (e.g. current screen)
$pi-mf-indicator-color The text color of indicators
$pi-mf-indicator-color-active The text color of active indicators
$pi-mf-formgroup-border-color The border color of the child form area
$pi-mf-attachment-pill-bg The background color of the individual attachment pills
$pi-mf-attachment-pill-color The text color of the individual attachment pills
$pi-mf-attachment-add-bg The background color of the “add attachment” button
$pi-mf-attachment-add-color The color of the + icon in the “add attachment” button

Widget API

You can use the Multiform Widget API in your widgets to interact with Multiform, including the state of forms, values of fields, and screen navigation. The API is made available via the AngularJS service PiMfManager.

This API can be used for widgets embedded as a “Multiform Child Widget” or any other widget on the same page as a Multiform widget.

To use it, add PiMultiForm to the “Widget Dependencies” related list of the widget you’re building.

Then, inject the PiMfManager depencency into your client script function as below:

function(PiMfManager) {



Add a function to be executed when the screen changes.

Returns: undefined


Add a function to be executed when a value in a form changes.

The function will be supplied with three arguments:

  • Parameter 1: String - the field name that changed
  • Parameter 2: String - the new value of the field that changed
  • Parameter 3: Object - an object containing two properties
    • model: the form model
    • gForm: the GlideForm

Returns: undefined


Move to the next screen

Returns: undefined


Move to the previous screen

Returns: undefined


Go to a specific screen

Returns: undefined


Get the number of screens

Returns: Integer


Check if we’re on the first screen

Returns: boolean


Check if we’re on the last screen

Returns: boolean